Just Another Struggling Writer

The lamentations of yet another person struggling to write a novel.

WIP Wednesday; The Pendulum

Hello friends and welcome back to WIP Wednesday, the blog series where I scream into the void about the project I’m currently writing, presently a portal fantasy tentatively titled Trials of the Windsong Goddess.

I don’t have much to comment on today. I am glad to be back into something vaguely resembling a writing habit, in that I am at least opening and looking at my draft every day. Monday was a real high point – I hit almost 1800 words, and every time I thought I was done for the day, I returned and added another paragraph or two. Yet, the next day, I could barely summon up a fraction of that.

I’m trying to make peace with the fact that until I get a handle on my non-writing related stresses, writing is going to have to be something that helps me relax and on the day where it is not doing that I’m just not going to be as productive in it. On Monday I was having fun. Tuesday, I was not. And so it goes. 

There might be a time where the swing isn’t so drastic. That’s why I gotta keep working, keep learning, keep trying to get better, and take what victories I can, no matter how small. 

Back to it. Until next time, friends, may your writing be plenty and your struggles be few. 

Kerry Share

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About Me

Kerry Share’s love for writing started, as it so often does, as a love of reading at an early age. At age 11 she wrote her first short story, a Harry Potter knockoff of dubious quality, and her love for creative expression was born. Throughout her teen years she continued to foster that passion through derivative work, and at 23 she turned her eye to original fiction.

Now in her thirties, having taken a break from creative endeavors to cope with an ever changing life and landscape, she is determined to make her dream of a writing career reality.