Just Another Struggling Writer

The lamentations of yet another person struggling to write a novel.

Monday Motivations; The Most Powerful Motivator in the World

Hello friends and welcome to another pertinacious week of writing. 

Last week I talked about the concept of bullrushing one’s way through a creative blockage. Smashing your face against the brick wall of an abandoned muse until something gives (hopefully not your face) and you can finally move forward again.

Friends, I’m about to start smashing my face against some shit. 

It’s not that I’m blocked. I mean, I’m not super motivated, but not blocked either. I’m just tired. I’m so tired that coming home at the end of a regular 8-hour workday has my brain feeling like a wrung out sponge. I’m so tired a fun weekend off looks like a bed and a phone on airplane mode. I’m so tired that writing is done largely in emails and reports. I’m so tired I’m frankly starting to wonder if I’m in the right place in my life where I’m even able to write a book.

I don’t like that feeling or those thoughts. It’s getting to the point where I feel like just powering my way through it just to prove the Universe, or whoever is pulling the puppet strings, that I can do it, thank you very fucking much, and throwing more shit on the pile isn’t going to stop me.

It’s getting the point where smashing my face against a brick wall sounds like a pretty dang good idea. And if I get a bloody nose, then at least I’ll have something to show for my efforts.

Until next time, friends, may your spite-writing be plenty and your struggles be few. 

Kerry Share

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About Me

Kerry Share’s love for writing started, as it so often does, as a love of reading at an early age. At age 11 she wrote her first short story, a Harry Potter knockoff of dubious quality, and her love for creative expression was born. Throughout her teen years she continued to foster that passion through derivative work, and at 23 she turned her eye to original fiction.

Now in her thirties, having taken a break from creative endeavors to cope with an ever changing life and landscape, she is determined to make her dream of a writing career reality.