Just Another Struggling Writer

The lamentations of yet another person struggling to write a novel.


Hello friends and welcome to another foolhardy edition of Just Another Struggling Writer. I’m just another struggling writer. 

Friends, do you remember a while back when I talked about Type A personalities, people who have to always be on the go, doing something, never not working and how I have come to accept that I am just not one of them because I like to go home at the end of my day job shift and maybe play video games once in a while rather than continue to work?

I think I may have grossly misjudged myself. 

Yesterday, I got the latest in a long string of stressful day-job related news that will certainly mean my workload is going to be increasing, yet again, for the foreseeable future. 

And this morning I woke up, watched a few videos from some of my current favorite content creators, and told myself, you know what, I could be doing more. I’m not working hard enough. There is so much I want to do. Why not?

Why not?

If that sounds like absolute insanity… well, you might be right. I have so, so much going on right now. So much to do, so vanishingly little time.

then I saw your face, now I’m a believer

A theme I have tried to embrace this year is letting go the fear of failing. It hasn’t always been easy; chronic anxiety and depression rarely allows the things we love doing to go accosted. But, it’s been an instructive lesson. I launched a podcast earlier this year with absolutely no expectation other than to have fun with it and to read more. And, though it’s been a lot of work and not something I have always been able to keep up with consistently, I have had fun and I have certainly read a hell of a lot more. By letting go of the expectation that I can’t produce content unless someone (preferably many someones) consumes it, I was able to be myself and just enjoy the process.

There shouldn’t be any reason I can’t apply the same reasoning to the rest of my creative endeavors. Maybe without such lofty expectations weighing them down, they’ll actually have a chance to soar. 

So, I’m just… gonna go ahead and do it. What is it? I don’t know yet, but if I have an idea, I’m not going to let it languish in the cesspit of my anxiety. I’m gonna just…fuckin go for it. Maybe it be a hilarious train wreck, maybe it’ll be an experiment that does well but isn’t sustainable, and maybe it’ll be the greatest thing I’ve done since admitting to myself that I want to be a writer. 

I’ll never know if I don’t take the leap. 

So, here I go, throwing my fears off the side of a cliff and leaping off after them. I may join them at the bottom, but my eyes are on the sky. 

Until next time friends, may your writing be plenty and your struggles be few. 

Kerry Share

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About Me

Kerry Share’s love for writing started, as it so often does, as a love of reading at an early age. At age 11 she wrote her first short story, a Harry Potter knockoff of dubious quality, and her love for creative expression was born. Throughout her teen years she continued to foster that passion through derivative work, and at 23 she turned her eye to original fiction.

Now in her thirties, having taken a break from creative endeavors to cope with an ever changing life and landscape, she is determined to make her dream of a writing career reality.